
Monday, 16 September 2019

Hello! Yes, Fall is on it's way. Summer is almost over! I'm both happy and sad because I love both seasons. I haven't been posting much on this blog and it's been a while since my last post. I've been super busy with things. I had gone back to school for a bit but now i've graduated. Also, I just really didn't want to pull out my camera and take photos. But, I really do miss blogging and i'm happy to finally be back at it. 
So, how's life? Anything interesting happening? September seems to be going by really quickly which mean October is just about here. Anyone have plans for Halloween costumes yet? I haven't even thought about it. The weather over August has been truly amazing and so far September has been cooling down nicely. It hasn't gotten too cold yet and the sun is still out but I get to wear a light jacket or sweater and wear more exciting outfits. I love summer but I just hate how little you get to wear on those really hot days. You can't really express yourself through fashion the same way as you can in the Fall season. 
These photos were taken a few weeks ago, hence the more summery look. I've been living in light jumpsuits over the summer. They are such an easy way to look stylish without really trying and still remaining comfortable. 
At one point over the summer while I sitting in this same area as you see in the photos, I heard some flamboyant teen a few houses down probably using a microphone. From what I gathered, there must have been some kind of swimming lessons going on or they were practicing for a competition. Whatever it was, it was hilarious. He was serious about what they were doing. He was saying things like "VANESSA!! We are starting over... 5,6,7,8,   5,6,7,8,   5,6,7,8,   5,6,7,8- Dive!" Then it got dramatic... "Vanessa? Do you think i'm joking with you? I've had it up to here. The water levels are rising. The pressure is coming. We have a show tonight..... Do you find this funny? You can walk your ass out of here." It sounded like he was the only one taking it seriously, poor guy. But it was still funny. The hold neighbourhood could hear him. Some lady walked behind me by the trees from the opposite side of me that the guy was and she looks at me saying "Do you hear him?" "And, I nod and says yes because obviously I hear him, She lives farther from him than I do. And she's like "Ridiculous, there are young kids around. I'm going over there" and she marches right over to him. Five minutes later when she finally gets to him and gets his attention I hear her shouting at him and about how there are children around. She was not having it! I didn't hear him after that. Through out all of this, the teen had the song "uptown girl" playing and it just made it all the more amusing. The neighbourhood is always so peaceful and quiet so I guess it's just funny to see and hear things like this. To be fair, he might have sworn a couple of times and I guess with kids around, no parent wants their kid to be hearing those type of words. 

Hope everyone has a lovely week! 
- Kelsey xx

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